jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

unit 9 and 10 vocabulary

renaissance:was a cultural change of the 15 and 16 centuries.

humanishm:was a cultural and intellectual movement.

erasmush de roterdam:was a one of the greatest humanist.

thomas more:" " "

juan luis vives: " "

johanes gutemberg: he inveted the prenting press

prentin press: it was good for the renaissance becouse with it they could do a lot of books.

nicolas copernics:he studied the and say the heliocentric movement.

heliocentric:this explain the universe movement.

ptlomeat:was the "" what said the church.

geocentric:" they said what the earth was the centre of the universe.

quatroccentto:it was florished in florence in the 15 century.

quinquecento:it was florished in rome in the 16 century, when it apeared the renassaince spread in europe.

proportions:they built with the humans proportions.

leon batista alberti:was one of the best arquitect of the quatroccento.

bramante:was one of the best arquitect of the quinquecento he start the san peters cathedral.

michelangelo:" " he did the dome of the "

maderno: " " he finished the " ".

massacio :was a good painter of the quatroccento and he was a pioner in the perspective.

perspective:it was the use of the colour and the sensation of deph and background.

leonardo:was a universe humanist.

titian:was a good painter of the quinqueccento he use lightly colours.

alberch durer:he was an arquitect who invented a new spanish stile

herrerian style:was a spanish style what was used a lot,.

plateresque style:was characterided becouse it had delicate ornamentation.

greco:was a spanish paintor with religious paintings.

martin luther:the creator of the protestanism.

protestants:was the religion vs the catholicism.

calvinism:was other religion founded for juan calvin.ç

predestination:the calvin doctrine is besed in it.

henry 8:he was the english king what made the royal the most power.

anglincan church:henry 8 made it is similar the the catholic.

council of trent:it was do for stop the protestant movement.

society of jesus:founded by saint ignacius of loyola it was do to stop the protestant movement.

inquisition:it persecuted the protestants.

charles 1:was a german king it was the holy roman emperor.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010


in asia becouse in there are a lot of people in a little space and in there are a bit mortality and the people have a lot of sons.
in la india i thing yes.

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

unit 7 and 8 vocabulary

Unit 7
Marco Polo´:he was the person what shown the existence of india,japan and china.

Technical advances:in the 15 century were tecnical advances they were the portulan charts, navigational instruments and ships such as caravels

Portulan Charts:they showned the coastline and any obstacles at sea.

Compass:was one of the instruments what was developed in this century.

astrolabe:was one of the instruments what was developed in this century.

Quadrant:was one of the instruments what was developed in this century.

Caravels: they were one of the ships what was developed and it could travel longer distances.

Prince Henry the Navigator:was a portuguese monarch what organised various expeditions.

Bartolomeu Dias:he rounded the cape of good hope at the southern tip of africa, opening the sea route to indian ocean in 1488.

Vasco de Gama:he reached india in 1498.

Christopher Columbus:was a genoese sailor what find the new continent but he think that he arrive to india.

Ferdinand Magallan:he was the captain of one expedition what his goal was find a passage between the atlantic and pacific.

Juan Sebastian Elcano :he was the second comand in the expedition of ferdinand magellan and after the captain in the expedition.

Overseas empires:spain and portugal were overseas empires they prevent the problems teh two countries , unexplored regions were divided.

Treaty of Tordesillas: portugal and spain divided the territories unexplored with the treaty of tordesillas.

Indigenous population of America:when the europeans went to america they cause a dramatic decline to the indigenous population of america.

unit 8
The plague:was the most terrible event in europe it kill a quarter of the population of eurpe

The Black Death:was one epidemic it is the same of the plague.

Bourgueoisie :also they were very influential. it made up of rich and powerful merchants.

bureaucracy:the monarch created it, it was a profesional and centralised administration, which depended directly on the monarch-

army: the monarch created one and the monarch pay it to orde it to attack etc...

diplomatic:was created for the monarch it is a system to maintain relations with other countries.

autoritarian monarchies:they born and the king resident dont move as it had done in the middle ages.

Ivan the Great:he unified russia and became king.

Henry VIII:he was the king of england and he increased the royal power.

Charles VII:was on of the french monarch what consilidated their power.

Francis I:" " " " " "
Catholic Monarchs :they were isabel and ferdinand and they governed their territories togeder.

Holy brotherhood :the catholic monarch created it and it was a judicial police force.

Royal Council:the catholic monarch reorganised justice and strengthened the royal council , the highest judicial body.

Corregidores:the catholic monarchs appointed corregidores , to estabilish royal authority in the towns

Treasury:the catholic monarch strengthed the royal treasury and took privileges away from the nobles.

Tribunal of the Inquisition:it prosecute heretics.

conversos:were persecuted by the inquitsition.

Mudejares:they were spanish muslims.

Moriscos: they were muslims covered to the cristianity

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

¿no encuentro los deberes del cid?

la mesta

Yo pienso que la asociacion de la mesta es buena porque :

1ºPor que le dan mucha poder al pais.

2ºPor que las rutas de la transumancia unen las ciudades de todo el pais.

3ºPor que se benefician de la gran calidad de la lana de las ovejas.

4ºPor que aumentó mucho el comercio gracias a la lana y la carne de las ovejas.

5ºPor que la artesania aumentó mucho por la lana de las ovejas que hizo que se hicieran todo

tipo de prendas con esta lana de gran calidad.

Por otra parte no beneficia mucho por que las ovejas "destruyen" los campos y las cosechas de los agricultores y esto crea una gran disminución de este campo.

jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

el viaje de marco polo

Marco Polo fue un mercader y explorador veneciano que, junto con su padre y su tío, estuvo entre los primeros occidentales que viajaron por la ruta de la seda a china. Se dice que introdujo la pólvora en Europa, aunque la primera vez que se utilizó en Occidente acaeció en la batalla de Niebla en 1262.
Los Polo (Marco, su padre y su tío) vivieron allí supuestamente durante diecisiete años antes de volver a Venecia. Tras su regreso, Marco Polo contaba a la sazón 41 años y comandaba una galera veneciana el día en que se libró, ante los muros de Korcula, en Croacia, una batalla naval contra la gran rival de Venecia, la república de Génova, en 1298. Los genoveses apresaron a Marco Polo, lo llevaron a Génova y allí, en la prisión, Polo dictó a un tal Rustichello de Pisa las memorias de su viaje fabuloso hasta Catai y el regreso por Malaca, Ceilán, la India y Persia. Rustichello redactó en un dialecto franco-véneto el libro conocido como Il Milione acerca de sus viajes. El libro se llamó originalmente Divisament du monde ,pero se popularizó como Libro de las maravillas del mundo y, más tarde, como Il Milione. Es creencia general que tal nombre vino de la tendencia del autor a referirse a grandes cantidades; "millones" pero es más probable que derivase de su propio nombre "Emilione", abreviado en Milione.

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

Pre-Columbian civilizatión

they live in south america.
This list of pre-Columbian civilizations includes those civilitations and cultures of the americaas which flourished prior to the european colonization in the americas. These Pre-Columbian civilizations established characteristics such as permanent or urban settlements, agriculture, and complex societal hierarchies.
Many of these civilizations had long ceased to function by the time of the first permanent European arrivals and are known only through archaelogical investigations. Others were contemporary with this period, and are also known from historical accounts of the time. A few (such as the Maya) had their own written records. However, most Europeans of the time largely viewed such text as heretical and few survived Christian pyres. Only a few hidden documents remain today, leaving modern historians with glimpses of ancient culture and knowledge.
From both indigenous American and European accounts and documents, American civilizations at the time of European encounter possessed many impressive feats such as the most populous city in the world as well as modern theory of astronomy and mathematics.
Where they persist, the societies and cultures which gave rise to these civilizations may now be substantively different in form to that of the original. However, many of these peoples and their descendants still uphold various traditions and practices which relate back to these earlier times, even if combined with those more recently-adopted.
The cultures are listed alphabetically, with the approximate time interval of existence and modern-day location.