jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

catholic monarch

Diplomaticia:Servicio de los Estados en sus relaciones internacionales.

Domestic policy:

dynasty:Familia en cuyos individuos se perpetúa el poder o la influencia política, económica, cultural, etc.

marriage alliance: Los estados hacian alianzas matrimoniales para que se unieran sus reinos.

holy brotherhood:is a judicial politice force, to fight against bandits and the abuses of the nobility.

tribunal of inquisicion:it prosecute heretics.the tribunal was known for its severe sentences and punishments.

conversos:were converts of religious and they were persecuted by the inquisition.

religious policy of the Catolhic Monarchs:they put the same religion in their kingdom.

Catholic Monarchs do things which benefited their kingdoms:no becouse when they order to put the same religion 80.000 people left in their kingdoms, but they conquered a lot of kingdoms.

controversial laws and institutions did they introduce:the most controvelsial law was the law of the inquisition tribunal becouse the put very severed punishments and sentences.

Your conclusión can include your personal point of view:I think they didn´t made the law of the only religion becouse they lost 80.000 people and the inquisition tribunal was very severed

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